Shorecrest School



"DRILLED! THE MUSICAL, THE COVID EDITION" is streaming now through November 3!

With Music & Musical Direction by Constantine Grame and Book, Lyrics and Stage Direction by Bill Leavengood '78, "DRILLED! The Musical, The Covid Edition" is a 70-minute filmed version of the stage show. "DRILLED" tells the tale of Larry the Laborer, a blue-collar celebrity and conservative icon who helped his party win the White House. But Larry has fallen on hard times. Jobless, loveless and plagued with a painful toothache, Larry journeys to a branch of the only dental conglomerate that will accept his lousy insurance. And that’s where his comic nightmare really begins!

The show contains mature themes and content and is not intended for children.

Produced by Eagle Productions and Hot Season Productions, and starring Chris Loving, Bailee McQueen and Mario Gonzalez '17 with choreography by Peyton Lustig '11 and Scenic Design by Shorecrest's Stage Manager Brad Miller, “DRILLED!” is, "A broad, go-for-broke political satire, chock full of expert and very witty lyrics. Bill takes shots at all targets -- to the right, to the left and in between -- and the results are hilarious," said Joe DiPietro, Tony winning writer/lyricist.

Also… "This show was an inspiration to all who fear dentistry. It brought out the humor we all wished we could enjoy while at the dentist office. The twists and turns in this one hour satire are bizarre. I was truly absorbed by the story. A show for Vegas if not the Big Apple. BTW, I think the director is a genius! The songs are priceless! “ exclaimed Judy Morachnik, veteran St. Petersburg Dental Hygienist.

This streaming event is a pay-what-you-can endeavor with a suggested per person minimum ticket price of $10. If you can afford more, hooray! If you can afford less, that’s great also. We want everyone to see it. What will happen to your hard earned money? It will become our hard earned money and be shared among the talented writers, directors, producers, designers and performers whose blood, sweat, tears and talent made the show possible.

To receive the unlisted URL to view "DRILLED!" on YouTube, please e-mail [email protected] (Subject: I WANT TO SEE DRILLED!) and the amount you wish to pay. We will send you the URL and a Google Wallet request for the amount you indicate. Let us know in your email and we'll provide an address to send a good, old fashioned check.

The show contains mature themes and content and is not intended for children.

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