Shorecrest School

Clay Unit in Experiential School

Experiential School News Arts

This spring students in The Experiential School of Tampa Bay have been exploring all properties of clay - from recycling clay back to its true form, to spinning clay on a pottery wheel, and more. Students experimented with different tools and materials to add textured elements to clay as well as created clay monoprints by adding pigmented slip and shaved chalk to clay. Individually, students were able to use a slab roller to flatten out a piece of clay which they transformed into a decorative tile. Rounding out the exploration, students glazed their creations to make them bright, colorful, and super shiny!

"I am proud of all the children and impressed with their clay work," stated Dr. Lisa Bianco, Interim Head of the Experiential School. "It really is exceptional. Our students were trusted to learn the process of working with clay and to use the clay tools that artists use in their work. Because of this, their work was elevated to a high level that shows what young children can do when adults see them as capable."

"The arts ignite all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. They help the body and the mind work together," explained Alexis Arrazcaeta, the Experiential School Atelierista (art studio teacher). "Exposing children to the arts during early development helps them learn and explore their world. Through the arts children can come to better understand themselves, their feelings, learn to decipher patterns, solve problems, and discover the world around them in rich complex ways."

Flickr album: ES Clay Unit | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

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