Shorecrest School

Visiting the Native Classroom with Cross-Division Buddies

Lower School News

Second graders teamed up with eighth graders, led by Middle School science teacher Kathryn Jeakle, to investigate Shorecrest's outdoor Native Classroom.

The second grade is deep in a science investigation about the well-being of pollinators and pollinator habitats, and wanted to evaluate whether or not the Native Classroom was a suitable home for pollinators (bees, butterflies and more). They learned that our campus has plenty of space to create a viable habitat, and is in need of more pollinator plants.

The eighth graders mentored the ideas of the second graders and helped them brainstorm native pollinator plants that could potentially thrive in the Shorecrest native classroom and surrounding areas. The two groups also inspired each other to become more active in the natural environment of the broader community. They reflected on the importance of removing invasive plant species from the campus in order to make room for native plants that will help the coastline, overall ecology, and pollinators alike. They also discussed the harm trash left behind by humans can have on animals living in and around our watersheds.

It was a beautiful day of stunning discoveries and outdoor learning. The second graders can't wait to team up with the eighth graders again!

Find more photos here. 

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