Shorecrest School

Swimming and Diving Weekly Update

Athletics Upper School News

Shorecrest Chargers Varsity Girls and Boys Swimming & Diving vs. St. Pete Catholic and Keswick Christian: Win!
Girls Team: Shorecrest 107, St. Pete Catholic 52; Shorecrest 90, Keswick 80.
Boys Team: Shorecrest 90, St. Pete Catholic 85; Shorecrest 129, Keswick 46. 

This was truly a team effort by both the girls and boys teams. Everyone contributed to the close wins on both sides. The boys thought they were not going to win too many events but gave their all to place as high as possible to score the needed points to win. Great job by Chargers Swim & Dive!   

The girls were first place in the 200 Medley & 400 Free Relay. The boys placed first in the 200 Medley Relay.    

As individuals, Sasha Schratwieser '24 scored 1st place in the 50 Free and 100 Free. Izzy Riva '27 was first in the 200 Free and 500 Free. Aziz T. '28 was first in diving, William Brockman '24 was first in the 100 Back and Ivan Spodin '26 was first in the 100 Breast.

Shorecrest Chargers Varsity Girls and Boys Swimming & Diving vs. Berkeley Prep: Girls Lost, Boys Won
Girls: Shorecrest 101, Berkeley 201; Boys Shorecrest 161, Berkeley 144

The boys remain undefeated with another team effort showing against region competition Berkeley Prep. The smaller girls team had some fine efforts but were definitely overmatched by the size of the team. Both the girls and boys had some excellent swims and the divers did well overall to add to the scores.    

Sasha Schratwieser '24 won the 200 Free and 500 Free. Izzy Riva '27 won the 200 IM and Kate Rutledge '24 won the 100 Back. Maddox Matyas '26 won the 200 Free and 500 Free, William Brockman '24 won the 200 IM, Anton Ho '26 won the 100 Fly.


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