Shorecrest School

Inspiring Financial Acumen in First Graders

Lower School News

The Ross Roeder Institute (RRI) for Financial Literacy, Entrepreneurship, and Economics at Shorecrest fosters financial literacy from a young age. RRI Director Earl Walton has been leading the charge. Recently, he paid a special visit to first grade and shared valuable insights about money and the history of currency.

Mr. Walton started by asking the young learners a simple question: "What do you know about money?" The classroom buzzed with excitement as eager hands shot up, and the children began sharing their ideas.

He explained that money is a tool people use to trade things they want or need. He also introduced the concept of currency by showing them various American coins and explaining who is depicted on each one, from Abraham Lincoln on the penny to Thomas Jefferson on the nickel. He used story books to take the children on a journey through time, and explained that long ago people didn't have coins and bills like we do today. Many used a method called bartering. In a playful way Mr. Walton described how people would trade objects or services to get what they needed. The first graders were wide-eyed, imagining a world without money, where trading toys for snacks was the norm.

The first graders then taught their money song to Mr. Walton. 

Through the RRI, Shorecrest is committed to ensuring that young minds are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the world of finance. Teaching children the value of money, how it's used, and the history of currency empowers them to appreciate the significance of economic principles in our daily lives.


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