Shorecrest School

Contributing Chargers: Northeast Orthodontics

Contributing Chargers Advancement

Since 2011, Northeast Orthodontics, owned by Dr. Nick Reynolds, has supported Shorecrest through time, talent and philanthropic support. Middle School students have enjoyed learning about Dr. Reynolds’ entrepreneurial journey, and he has helped critique some of their EDI projects in the past. This year their support continued through a photobooth sponsorship at the Shore to Shorecrest 5K presented by Woodie’s Wash Shack in October. 

Dr. Reynolds was eager to deepen his connection with Shorecrest during our centennial year. “Serving the oral health and orthodontic needs of the St. Petersburg community is our core purpose as a business. Being located so close to campus helps us treat a substantial number of the Shorecrest student body!”

Dr. Nick Reynolds shared with us in an interview the many reasons he has been a Contributing Charger for the last 12 years. 

What do you enjoy most about being part of this community?
Watching the future generation of our city grow, mature and develop the skills and characteristics to become our community leaders.  It’s truly exciting and rewarding to watch.

What drew you to becoming an event sponsor supporting the Shore to Shorecrest 5K? 
We felt that partnering with the school to create and contribute to experiences for the student body and their families is a good way to show our support for Shorecrest. This year’s Shore to Shorecrest 5k sounded like a great way to promote health in general, as well as give us a chance to interact with the Shorecrest families in person outside of our orthodontic office. 

What does giving to this community mean to you?
Supporting our community partners financially shows we are willing to put our money where our mouth already is. We are raving fans of the Shorecrest students and families that are in our practice, and having the opportunity to partner with their school is our way of showing support for them.  We love seeing our patients grow and succeed, and Shorecrest is a key component of that development!

How do you think your gift will impact current and future Shorecrest students?
Financial support for the school, whether it be to assist in the production of events like this year's Shore to Shorecrest 5K or in any other capacity, will ideally assist Shorecrest in achieving its educational vision for current and future students of the St. Petersburg community.  We believe wholeheartedly that education is at the foundation of creating the future of our community, and sincerely hope our continued financial support can play a small part in supporting that. 

What is something you are looking forward to as we enter our second century?
Seeing the bright future of St. Petersburg’s youth grow, mature, thrive, and enjoy life!  Over a hundred years of success, and cheers to hundreds more!


The impact of Contributing Chargers like Northeast Orthodontics, along with other members of our community, can be felt every day. Email Olivia Segalman, Associate Director of Advancement for Community Engagement & Events, to share a Contributing Chargers story with us!


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