Shorecrest School

2023 Homecoming Festivities & Photos

Upper School News

On Friday, October 13, in a special Upper School assembly, the 2023 Homecoming Court was announced. First Ms. Morlando drew grades out of a hat to determine match-ups for powder puff football, Slip ‘N Slide and volleyball games on Thursday, October 19 - Class Competition Day. 

Next, Mr. Schneider introduced the members of the 2023 Homecoming Court. The students were chosen by a vote from the members of the Class of 2024. Next week, all Upper School students will vote from among the following individuals to determine who will be the next Mr. Spirit and Homecoming Queen.

Mr. Spirit nominations:

  • Ozzy Bedell
  • William Brockman
  • Misha Drunov
  • Daven Fudge
  • Luke Heckert

Homecoming Queen nominations:

  • Libby Cenedella
  • Reanna Hossain
  • Mia Lee
  • Texys Mahaffey
  • Rachel Sembler

The assembly wrapped up with Homecoming Hype videos. Each Upper School grade created a video and the faculty will vote on their favorite as the start of Homecoming class competitions. 

On Monday and Tuesday of Homecoming Week, Upper School students participated in themed, judged costume days. Each grade also designed a felt banner hung in the Rec Gym which was judged.

On Thursday, the four Upper School grades competed against each other in a variety of athletic and trivia competitions. This “Class Color Competition” was supported school-wide, as each grade dressed in their class color.

Watch each grade's powder puff cheer:
Seniors - Class of 2024
Juniors - Class of 2025
Sophomores - Class of 2026
Ninth Grade - Class of 2027

View Homecoming photo albums

On Friday, Chargers gathered for a spirited pep rally in the Crisp Gym and ES hosted a mini pep rally in their playground. The seniors were named the victors of the Spirit Cup!

Congratulations to the 2023 Homecoming Court! The crowning ceremony took place during halftime of the Chargers Varsity Homecoming Football Game on October 20. Daven Fudge was named Mr. Spirit and Mia Lee was crowned Homecoming Queen! 2022 Mr. Spirit Neko Jackson '23 and Homecoming Queen Lillee Burkett '23 were on hand to help honor them.

As the icing on the cake, the Varsity Football Chargers beat Donahue Catholic Academy 43:0!

Read about Alumni events during Homecoming week here


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