Shorecrest School

Sonny D. '28 runner-up in Francophone Culture Trivia Contest

Middle School News

Every year during National French Week, the American Association of Teachers of French organizes a Culture Trivia Contest. It is played in the form of a Kahoot online game by students from all over the US. It consists of cultural questions about Francophone countries. The questions are in English and vary from “Who is the prime minister of Canada?” to “What small principality is known for its casinos and car racing?”

This year 46,000 students participated in the Culture Trivia Contest and 20 were invited to the final round. The final round was last Saturday on Zoom. The presenter read the question; students had 10 seconds to think about the question and 5 seconds to type their answer in a private chat box. Shorecrest eighth grader Sonny D. '28 made it to the 5th round where he was stumped by the question: “What African capital city now has more French speakers than Paris with 17 million people?” Four runners-up including Sonny earned $50 each. The winner earned $200. 

Congratulations, Sonny, on your efforts over the past 4 years to learn about the culture of Francophone countries. 

Félicitations Sonny. Nous sommes fiers de toi!French is spoken on every continent, it is the official language of 29 countries and is spoken in approximately 65 countries. French is the official language of the International Olympic Committee. French is an official language of most international organizations, including the United Nations, the European Union, UNESCO, NATO and the International Court of Justice (with English), and the International Red Cross (with English and Spanish).

The answers to the questions above are Justin Trudeau, Monaco and Kinshasa.



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