Shorecrest School

Chargers Alumni Social in Atlanta, GA


On January 19, Nancy Spencer, Head of School, and Olivia Segalman, the Associates Director of Advancement for Community Engagement and Events, embarked on a journey to Atlanta, GA, to attend an Alumni Gathering at Emmy Squared Pizza West Midtown. The event was a huge success and brought together Chargers from different classes ranging from 1981-2023.

"It was a pleasure to see alumni connecting with each other in so many different ways, reminiscing about their time at Shorecrest and sharing their life stories," Olivia shared. "The highlight of the event was when two Alumni from the '80s started a group chat with 2018 Alumnae who recently moved to the area, showcasing how tight-knit and supportive the Shorecrest community is."

Chargers Spirit could be felt as Alumni hugged, laughed, and shared their experiences with each other. Overall, it was a heartwarming event that reminded everyone of the strong bonds they share as a part of the Shorecrest community.


#Alumni #UpperSchool

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