Shorecrest School

Troupe 3140 Awarded at the Florida State Thespians Festival

Upper School News Arts

Members of the Shorecrest Upper School Thespian Troupe 3140 did a brilliant job representing Shorecrest over the course of three incredibly full days last week at the Florida State Thespians Festival at the Tampa Convention Center.

"I'm delighted to announce that all qualifying members of Troupe 3140 received awards at the Florida State Festival. These students worked diligently on their acts (and gave up most of their Spring Break) so please congratulate them when you see them," shared Director Michael McCarthy.


Ethan Bekurs '24 - Monologues - Excellent 

Tyler Biggar '27 - Ensemble Acting - Excellent

Lauren Brumbelow '24 - Solo - Superior

Lauren Brumbelow '24 - Duet Musical - Superior

Kaelie Dieter '26 - Solo - Superior

Kaelie Dieter '26 - Ensemble Acting - Excellent

Jasper Hallock-Wishner '26 - Playwriting - Excellent

Sofia Lee '27 - Ensemble Acting - Excellent

Sofi Rosales '24 - Solo - Excellent

Sofi Rosales '24 - Duet Musical - Superior


Also in attendance providing support were the following Thespians:

Luca Baker '25

Remy deParis '25

Summer Farkas '27

Julia (Rose) Jaramillo '24

Tanner (TJ) Johnson '26


What happens at a festival? Not only did qualifying students perform acts for judges or have scripts submitted for adjudication, but all students attended the following shows and various professional workshops such as:


"Newsies" (musical) at The Straz Center

"I Never Saw Another Butterfly" (play) at the Tampa Theatre

Belting the Broadway workshop with Jacquelyn Piro Donovan

Creating Dynamic Staging Choreography workshop with Anthony Romeo-Adcock

Aerial Workshop with On the Fly Pros

Inside the Actor’s Closet workshop with Hollis Smith

The Triple Threat workshop with Nick Cearley

Broadway Master Class with Jessica Rush

Broadway Choreography: A Chorus Line with Jessica Lee Goldyn

No More Fear: Sing and Move with Purpose with Leo Chang

Standup Comedy workshop with Remy Germinario

I Want to Be An Actor, Not A Waiter! with Brian Curl

Contemporary Dance class with Sean McDonald


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