Shorecrest School

Junior College Night at Shorecrest

Upper School News

The Janet Root Theater was abuzz at the annual Junior College Night, as memebrs of the Class of 2016 and their parents spent the evening with our College Success Team hearing an overview of the college application process, application trends, standardized testing and admissions strategies. The goal was to help prepare families for next steps while debunking myths about the confusing college application process.

Everyone was assigned homework: both students and their parents need to fill out the Junior Questionnaire on Naviance.

They also were invited to attend the Bay Area Independent School Fair this Sunday, October 5th from 1:00 – 3:00 PM at The Coliseum in St. Petersburg. 

The team also announced that the Tampa Bay Case Studies Program will be hosted at Shorecrest this year on Sunday, January 25, 2015 from 1:00pm-3:00pm. This program will enlighten everyone to the intricacies of the admissions process. Junior families should save the date!

Note: Sophomores and Juniors will take the PSAT at Shorecrest on Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Check out the Shorecrest College Counseling web page for more information and to meet the team, or follow them on Twitter or Instagram.

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