Shorecrest Commencement, Class of 2015
On Sunday, May 17, 2015, Shorecrest Preparatory School held its Commencement Ceremony for the 84-member Class of 2015. Among the graduating class were a U.S. Presidential Scholar, the Florida female Jimmy Award recipient for musical theater, 3 national championship sailors, 8 students recognized by the National Merit Program and 25 Bay Conference Scholar Athletes. Collectively the Class of 2015 completed nearly 13,000 service hours over their four years of high school. There was much chatter over the weekend from these students that they were not only the largest class to graduate from Shorecrest, but also perhaps, the best.
A packed Janet Root Theatre watched as administrators, teachers and the Class of 2015 processed to their places on stage. The ceremony began with Salutatorian Paul Reischmann welcoming guests and thanking those who had come from afar. He then reminded his peers of the growth they had during their time at Shorecrest.
“And so, as we sit here ready to walk across this stage into the world, it might be easy to see this ceremony as something final, a final stamp of approval on a finished product, wrapped and ready to ship out into the world. But, as Winston Churchill once said, albeit with a much greater reason than I claim, ‘This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.’ … I ask that you don’t think only of how much we’ve grown. Think also of how much growth lies ahead of every one of us, for the most amazing thing we’ve gained during our time at Shorecrest has been the ability to change. It is this ability that will lead us on from this fortuitous beginning to such incredible ends as I can only imagine.”
Paul’s empowering welcome was followed by the Valedictory Address, given by Jackson Willis. After some tongue-in-cheek advice for parents, Jackson briefly reminded his class of their Shorecrest journey. From being line leader in first grade, to the Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony, to Middle School agendas, and on to Landy Hall. “When our paths cross again, my first question will be, “What are you doing now?” He anticipated.
“Our strength is our youth, the fact that we are on the ground floor looking up, and this gives us the permission to be curious, to be original, to ask another question… People say the job of a Valedictorian is to say “good bye,” but the Latin term vale dictus means something closer to ‘stay strong and prevail’ in full Roman fashion. With that in mind, let me wish you a journey of questions, prevailing winds, and Roman fortitude.”
It is a tradition at the Shorecrest Commencement to name an Outstanding Senior. This member of the graduating class returns in ten years to speak at that Commencement. Tom Dillow named Jackson Willis the Outstanding Senior of the Class of 2015. He came back to campus this week to have a photo taken with the second grade, whose graduation he will visit in ten years.
That said, a Commencement Address was then given by Eric Kanner, the Outstanding Senior of the Shorecrest Class of 2005. Mr. Leavengood fondly remembers Mr. Kanner as an accomplished playwriting student who earned Critics’ Choice in the State Thespian competition and had two plays produced in the Gorilla Theatre Young Dramatists Project. Mr. Kanner went on to earn his degree in radio/television and film at Northwestern University before moving to New York City to pursue a career in digital marketing. Here’s how he challenged the graduates:
“While my [film major] peers made a documentary about their hunt for a notorious classmate who'd never seen Back to The Future, I focused on a challenge I was interested in tackling: bonding with my random freshman year roommate - a Cleveland native whose sense-of humor, loyalty and friendship deeply influenced me. I learned that when you put in the work to establish meaningful relationships – you'll reap unexpected rewards. I've got a challenge for you: build these new relationships while simultaneously building upon the relationships you've established here. As a fellow Shorecrest alum, I know how close you all are to one another. And one of the greatest sources of my current happiness is my closest friends from Shorecrest live in New York City and are still my closest friends. We're NYC, the New York Chargers. There's nothing better than sharing a place you love with people you love….Working on relationships can lead to greater rewards than simple friendship and comfort. They can lead to mentorship. You're about to have four years where professors & professionals will be at your disposal, eager to impart their perspectives and experiences upon you – impact that reaches far beyond the classroom. Mentorship is something you are familiar with, thanks to Shorecrest. ”
The crowd then heard more inspirational words, as the Upper School Vocal Ensemble sang “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson.
Headmaster Mike Murphy introduced the Class of 2015, extolling the feats and honors they had amassed.
“The Class of 2015 leaves its mark on Shorecrest for having the most impressive college placement, for having the most acclaimed year in theatre and arts, for having served more service hours than any other class, and for being the closest group most of us can remember. 36 of the 84 have been together for at least 13 years. That is a record. 75% have been together since Middle School, and 8 have parents who attended Shorecrest. 9 members of the class have parents or grandparents who have served on the Board of Trustees. 23 members of the class have siblings who are Shorecrest Alumni.”
Mr. Murphy went on to remark, “There is no better example of the closeness of this class than the way they have kept their classmate, Kyle Bastas, and his family in their hearts and memories. Kyle unexpectedly passed away at the end of Freshman year.” He then called forward the three recipients of the Kyle Bastas Award, Molly Rau, Paul Reischmann and Stephen Sobota, to present to Kyle’s sister Kim, along with her parents, a mortarboard signed by the Class of 2015.
Mr. Murphy awarded diplomas along with Chair of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Tom Andrews, while Charles Reynolds ’81, President of the Alumni Association and also a Trustee, presented Alumni Pins.
The ceremony concluded with Student Council President Abby Gipe letting the Class of 2015 know she was proudest to be a member of this school when the class stood together as one.
“Here’s my advice for you all next year. Sign up for the clubs you’ll truly enjoy. Take the classes you really want to take. Hang out with the people who make you the happiest, not just the people who would make valuable connections. Go outside and see the stars and watch the sunrises and appreciate all the beautiful things this world has to offer. Allow yourself to fall deeply in love with everyone and everything around you because I have spent my years here falling in love with the beautiful things inside each and every one of you, and that has made my time here worth all the while.”
After the recessional, the graduates stood on the steps outside of the theatre and participated in a final tradition - the cap toss! Good luck to our newest alumni, the Class of 2015!
Watch a full recording of Commencement
Professional Commencement Photos
Note: the photo album below contains some snapshots from the ceremony.