Shorecrest School

Carline & Schedule Changes

Upper School News

We're excited to move into the first floor of Charger Commons, to begin enjoying meals together in our first-ever dining rooms, and to welcome our youngest Chargers to the new home of The Experiential School of Tampa Bay.
The Transform construction site Phase II has commenced. The construction fencing and safe zones shifted to allow for the demolition of our remaining outdated buildings and to begin cultivating our 1.5 acres of greenspace. The fences along Charger Blvd. across from the softball field came down, while the fencing along the west end of Charger moved outward, narrowing our driveway to one lane for a short stretch.

The attached map highlights the new construction zone, which is now in effect. The entrance of Pratt Blvd. will be two-way to allow cars to exit the First Street parking lot, but otherwise campus traffic will be one-way at all times. 
Please see the Traffic Map shared here.

Like with our past progress, we must make some carline and/or schedule modifications to allow for these campus improvements. We appreciate the flexibility our families and faculty have shown during this exciting time and once again ask for your cooperation. Schedule and logistical highlights are noted below. Your respective School Heads will also be in touch with additional school-specific information as needed. If your student drives to school, please discuss these changes with them.

I ask that families be especially mindful of their arrival times for afternoon dismissal. With the lane-narrowing of Charger Blvd., early queuing will cause a bottleneck throughout campus and onto First Street. Our teachers will work diligently to ensure your children are ready and in place for afternoon pickup, and we ask that you do the same to communicate their schedules (after-care, clubs, etc.) If children are not in their proper locations when a parent/guardian pulls up for pickup, parents/guardians may be asked to drive around the campus loop to allow traffic to continue.

Our Experiential School students have settled into their new home in Charger Commons.
  • ES start and end times are not affected, nor are drop off and pick up locations. Every student should be dropped off through carline each day of school.
  • Morning drop-off should be through carline. For the safety of everyone on campus and due to constant construction entrance changes, please do not park on campus and walk children into school. 
  • Rainy day dismissal for JK will now be at Pratt Blvd. with Alpha.
  • Students who arrive late to school or who need to be dismissed at a time other than a scheduled dismissal time should be checked out by a parent/guardian at the reception desk in the Mike Murphy Experiential School Building.
  • Extended Day locations and check-out procedures have been updated and may be found online at > Student Life > After School.

The temporary lane closure and adjustment to the construction site requires that LS carline move from its former location. Morning drop-off times are unaffected; in the afternoons students will be dismissed at 2:40pm. Starting March 18:  

  • Morning drop-off should be through carline. For the safety of everyone on campus and due to constant construction entrance changes, please do not park on campus and walk children into school. 
  • Kindergarten students will join Experiential School students for morning drop-off on Pratt Blvd (see map, location 1).
  • Morning drop-off for 1st-4th graders who are regularly dropped off on Charger Blvd. will be dropped off in a newly designated area along Charger in front of the faculty garden and sun shade (see map, location 3).
  • Parents are asked to arrive on campus no earlier than 2:40pm to pick up their children.
  • Kindergarten-1st graders will be picked-up in the afternoon in the parking lot of the Lower School building on First Street (see map, location 4).
  • Afternoon pick-up for 2nd-4th graders who are regularly picked up on Charger Blvd. will be in the newly designated area along Charger in front of the faculty garden and sun shade (see map, location 3).  
  • Siblings in Lower School should always go to the drop off/pick up location of the youngest sibling.
  • Extended Day locations and check-out procedures have been updated and may be found online at > Student Life > After School.
Middle School students will begin a slightly adjusted pick-up schedule starting March 4. School start and end times are not affected. View the full schedule here.
  • Parents of Middle School students are asked to arrive no earlier than 3:05pm to pick up their children.
  • While the Middle School day still ends at 3pm, the time adjustment allows Lower School families to depart campus and for Middle School teachers to get students ready for an uninterrupted dismissal.
Upper School students will begin an amended schedule starting March 18, upon our return from Spring Break. View the full schedule here.
  • The US school day will begin at 8:15am. Late Start Tuesdays will continue with a 9am start time.
  • Dismissal at 3:25pm remains unaffected.
  • Parents picking up Upper School students are asked to arrive no earlier than 3:30pm. Early US arrivals for afternoon carline may be asked to drive around the full campus loop if queuing prior to 3:30pm.
  • If your student drives to school, please discuss these changes with them and remind them that campus is now a one-way street at all times of day - before, during and after school.
If you have any questions about the changes to carline or schedules, please contact your child's School Head.

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