Shorecrest School

Global Explorers Visitors, Opportunities

Upper School News

Global Explorers is a program in Shorecrest Lower, Middle and Upper Schools that strives to create a global mindset in our students and an appreciation and understanding of world cultures. Students are empowered with a spirit of internationalism, adventure and leadership which will help them understand and learn about their home: THE WORLD! 

After a pause for 2 and a half years, Shorecrest will soon welcome a delegation of 9 students from our partner school in Mexico City, Escuela Ameyalli. They will be hosted by 9 wonderful fourth and fifth grade families: Albano, Bilgutay, Burish, Evans, Felch, Markunas, Muzzarelli, Phelps and Vuxinic. 

These children are starting to view the world from a different perspective! Learning naturally, living it. Understanding that even though we might look different or have a different nationality we are very similar on the inside. The skills children achieve with these experiences help them develop 21st century skills as global citizens:

  • Self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Maturity and being able to confront challenges outside of their comfort zone 
  • Fostering an appreciation of home and family
  • Development of independent opinions and decisions 
  • Empathy for others 
  • Better communication skills 
  • Personal flexibility

Students will find themselves more comfortable in ‘foreign’ environments. Prospective employers in almost every field look favorably upon experience gained in exchange programs and knowledge obtained of another language and culture. The Global Explorers program is delighted to offer these opportunities to our students, which are key points in helping them to become true global citizens! 

Other opportunities this year:

  • Eighth grade Chargers will have the full exchange experience with our partner school in Madrid, Spain: Colegios Ramón y Cajal. 

  • Eleventh grade students have the opportunity to go to Spain for one month during the summer and fully practice their Spanish skills! 

These experiences promote internationalism, adventure and leadership. They also help students build 21st century skills, such as feeling comfortable with all types of cultures and people. 

In 2024 we plan to expand GE to include The Experiential School. That way there is a continuity in the children's minds to be inquisitive from a young age about the WORLD! 

Contact: Global Explorers Chair, Emili Jaime Allwood  



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