Shorecrest School

Fourth Graders Build Neural Networks

Lower School News

Fourth graders in Mrs. Boarman’s class are learning about their brains. They have discussed the different parts of the brain and how different lobes regulate various functions such as sight, hearing, and thought.  

Right now they are studying nerve cells called neurons in order to understand how signals pass from one to the next through synapses. This is when chemicals called neurotransmitters are passed along to and from the brain. These connections not only send signals such as, "Ouch, I stubbed my toe!" but also allow learning to happen.

The students constructed large scale neurons and created a pathway with them by connecting dendrites to axons. Building new neural networks is the foundation of learning. With this understanding of the basics of brain science, they will learn how to strengthen and multiply neural networks (called neuroplasticity). They will also learn how brain breaks with physical activity, healthy eating, understanding their emotions, and sleep contribute to neuroplasticity.

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