Shorecrest School

What's in a Fourth Grader's Name?

Lower School News

Shorecrest fourth graders in Mrs. Weinkle's class were asked to interview their families about the origins of their names. Once they completed an initial interview, they were tasked with educating their peers on the origin of their name during class time. After they had a chance to share with others, they were asked to compile information into a "Name Paragraph." This paragraph informs readers about where their name came from, why the author likes it, and what makes it so special to themselves or their family.

In the paragraph shown, Arwen wrote the following about her name:
The story of my name is unique and meaningful. My parents told me that my dad picked out my name. I also learned that my name is meaningful because it connects to a grandpa I never met. Something I found out that was super cool was that I’m named after a fantasy warrior princess! One thing that I learned that wasn’t so great is that if I was a boy they were gonna name me Jack. I would want something more new or different not just Jack. I like my name because it is different. I don’t like that it is hard to remember. A cool fact I learned was that another name I could have was Liv, which is the name of the actor who played Arwen in the movie. With all of this new information I now know why I love adventure and exploring new places. This is my name and it makes me myself.

Read a few more name paragraphs here.

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