Shorecrest School

Science Classes Plant Mangrove Propagules in Channel

Middle School News

On Friday April 24th, the fifth and eighth graders worked together to add more native plants to the new "Native Classroom" at the channel behind the Shorecrest football field. The removal of Australian Pines has allowed for space for native species such as mangroves. All year, fifth grade classes have been growing propagules in science class and planned to return the plants to their natural environment to help protect local coastal regions. The fifth graders were given a chance to plant some of their red mangrove propagules, additional progagules provided by Walker W. (8th grader, the mastermind behind the Native Classroom) as well as white mangroves dontated by the Tampa Aquarium. 

At times knee deep in the channel's water, the fifth and eighth graders successfully planted approximately 60 red mangrove propagules and approximately 30 white mangroves! 

More photos here.

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