Shorecrest School

Eighth Grade Passion Project Showcase

Middle School News

Each year, eighth graders are challenged to find something they are passionate about, a talent they want to develop more, or something to take on as an independent project. These are known as their Passion Projects. At the end of the year, they are revealed on campus in a project showcase.

Students set a final goal for their project and create a timeline to achieve the goal. The Passion Project started for most students in February of this year. They were asked to show evidence of progress every two weeks until the end of April. On Thursday May 16th, students presented their work in the Crisp Gym.

Some examples of projects include:

Isabella D researched non-aggressive bees and learned that the bee population is in great peril. She contacted several experts and was able to actually purchase non-aggressive bees and release them around her house with the hopes of enhancing the pollination of our plants in St Petersburg. The restoration area on campus has a native wildflower area with the hopes of assisting the local bee population thanks to Isabella's work.

Genesis B organized several beach clean-ups with the help of Keep Pinellas Beautiful. She collected in total over 1000 pounds of trash!

Lauren M wrote several songs and performed them during the Passion Project Showcase.

JC B made two baseball gloves out of leather.
Andrew T researched and built 3 owl boxes. The owl boxes will be installed on campus in the Native Classroom. Each owl box has a hole bored on the side, which based on his research will minimize bees from using the boxes as nests by adjusting airflow.  
View more photos of the projects here:

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