Shorecrest School

Middle School Eats Like Kings

Middle School News

La galette des rois (King Cake) is a French tradition that is centered around a special pastry that is eaten in France on and around January 6. A prize (such as a bean, coin, trinket or figurine) is hidden inside it. Whoever finds it becomes the king for the day! This tradition started in the antiquity when the Romans presented a pie to their slaves and servants during the festival of Saturn. The winner was allowed to boss his masters for that one day. The tradition continued through medieval times with the addition of the religious celebration of the three Kings. During the French Revolution, the King Cake was renamed the Pie of Equality since the French people finally got rid of the monarchy.

Interestingly, nowadays, the president of the French Republic is not allowed to eat a pie with a prize. This prevents him from accidently becoming a king.

Middle School Chargers shared King Cakes in French class with two prizes per class for two bossy kings! They also made some fun paper crowns to wear. The prizes were travel-related charms to motivate students to explore and use French abroad.

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