Be a Global Reader
Source/Author: Raffi Darrow, Ebytes Editor
October 08, 2020
Parent volunteer Catherine Nelke from Shorecrest's International Connection group and Roderick Avery Fludd, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, partnered last year to bring the world to Experiential School classrooms through the Global Readers program.
Multilingual adult volunteers are invited once again to read to Alpha and JK students in their language(s) of origin - virtually. Students will be given the opportunity to ask questions about other cultures and traditions during the storytime.
If you are interested in being a virtual Global Reader, please email Catherine at [email protected].
Multilingual adult volunteers are invited once again to read to Alpha and JK students in their language(s) of origin - virtually. Students will be given the opportunity to ask questions about other cultures and traditions during the storytime.
If you are interested in being a virtual Global Reader, please email Catherine at [email protected].