Shorecrest School

Eighth Grade Innovative ROV/ROT Project

Middle School News

The Shorecrest eighth grade ROV/ROT Project has two main parts. First students ideate and prototype a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) or Remote Operated Technology (ROT) that would solve a real world problem. Next students build actual ROVs with motors and controllers that perform underwater tasks.

The eighth graders were challenged with thinking of a societal problem that could be solved with the help of a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) or Remote Operated Technology (ROT). Students began the research and design phase of the project in September 2022. Once they knew what kind of ROV/ROT they wanted to create and what purpose it would have, they built prototypes from repurposed materials, often scaling down the dimensions the actual product may have. The design was to have a minimum of 3 attachments to help it function based on its purpose. The prototypes made out of recycled materials are on display in the Hess Library (2nd floor of Charger Commons).

Next the Chargers designed and built functioning underwater ROVs in small groups. Using PVC pipe they made structures just over 1’ square, and then built working motors and controllers that attach to the PVC. Student teams took turns running their ROV through timed underwater tasks, such as picking up or moving items left underwater to simulate ocean exploration and research. Their piloting skills and ROVs were challenged to determine the effectiveness of their design.

Thank you to the eighth graders who patiently explained their projects to campus visitors during St. Pete STEAMfest and to JK Chargers who visited their class.

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Flickr album: 8th grade ROVs | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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