Shorecrest School

Shared Entrepreneurial Journey

Middle School News

Shorecrest Middle School students in the Entrepreneurial Design Institute (EDI) and their teacher, Christine Scoby, welcomed Dr. Nick Reynolds of Northeast Orthodontics to share his entrepreneurial journey. This guest lecture helped to connect concepts taught within the EDI program to real world application. Some entrepreneurial skills touched upon were adaptability, opportunity seeking, courage, persistence and grit. 

Seventh and eighth graders taking the EDI elective course are currently trying to identify and solve problems/issues in their community. Students harness the power of design thinking, idea generation, prototyping and business modeling to develop a unique solution to a real world issue. Many students had question for Dr. Reynolds connecting the project they are working on with his lecture. Their questions centered around his marketing strategies, how his life experiences impacted future decision making, and the importance of developing and nurturing a strong network. Dr. Reynolds also encouraged the Chargers to pursue experiences that allow them to explore their passions. 

Thank you Dr. Reynolds for your time and candor in this enriching learning experience.

Northeast Orthodontics is a proud Community Sponsor of Shorecrest and the EDI Program.

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