Shorecrest School

Eighth Grade Passion Projects

Middle School News

Each year, our eighth graders tackle a passion project meaningful to each of them. A passion project brings an idea to life, whatever form that may take. The essence is to embrace the need to create, make a dent in the universe, try something new or live out a dream. A study by LifeTwist found that ‘passion projects,’ defined as the pursuit of an interest or hobby, are considered an important ingredient to living a fulfilled and successful life by the vast majority of Americans (75%). 

On May 7th, eighth grade students showcased their Passion Projects to the Shorecrest community during the day and to family and friends during the evening. These works, which took approximately four months to complete, included learning how to play a musical instrument (culminating in a live performance), an estuary restoration project, baking a multi-tiered wedding cake, earning SCUBA licenses, creating a video game, establishing a buddy-match foundation at All Children’s Hospital, publishing books of photography, raising therapy dogs and much more! Please salute these students on a job well done. We know they'll move on to do great things next year in Upper School!

[photos(scroll down for videos)

Project of Will H.

Project of Ben B.

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