Shorecrest School

National Coming Out Day at Shorecrest and Stetson Law

Upper School News

Three members of Shorecrest's Upper School Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) attended a presentation sponsored by Stetson University's Lambda Legal Society entitled "Is Coming Out Still a Thing?" The presentation was meant to coincide with National Coming Out Day this Sunday, October 11th. The consensus answer to the panel's title question was a definite "yes!" Coming out is generally better for the mental and emotional health of the person coming out. It also helps dispel stereotypes, myths, and misrepresentations of the LGBT community, and it helps others who are wrestling with their identity and orientation.
Elliott Darrow '16, President of Shorecrest's GSA, made a National Coming Out Day presentation at this week's Monday Meeting. He started with a powerful video from the Human Rights Campaign in which various celebrities - athletes, actors, correspondents and singers - offered thoughts about coming out based on their own experiences. He then spoke about coming out at Shorecrest, and offered suggestions to those who are considering coming out and for allies for when someone opens up to them. 

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