Shorecrest School

Outdoor Club winter update

Upper School News

2016 is the year the Shorecrest Outdoor Club makes many leaps and bounds towards making a large, auspicious impact on our community, and now is the time to get in line for the many events the club has to offer!
The Outdoor Club sponsored Shorecrest’s recent movie screening of “The Forgotten Coast: Return to Wild Florida” presented by the Florida Wildlife Corridor. Here is the synopsis of the short film:
Following in the footsteps of a wandering Florida black bear, three friends leave civilization and become immersed in a vast and unexplored wildlife corridor stretching from the Everglades to the Florida-Alabama border. The rugged thousand-mile journey by foot, paddle, and bike traverses Florida’s Forgotten Coast – a wilderness that has the potential to change the way we see the natural world.
It was a fantastic event, and the club hopes to host more events like this in the near future, as they allow us to expand our impact on our community.
Backpacking, Feb 20: After intense preparation and many reschedulings, a backpacking trip has been planned! The Outdoor Club’s first of (hopefully) many backpacking trips is on Saturday, February 20th. It’s overnight at Myakka State Park from the mid part of Saturday until late morning Sunday. Space is limited, so find either Mr. Steele or senior Henry W. quickly before you miss out.
Rock Climbing: The Outdoor Club is going rock climbing next week on the 28th. The trip is $11 and that is all inclusive (admission, shoes, harness). It’s an amazing way to spend time with friends while getting a great workout! Sign up through Riley L. or Alyssa F.

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