Shorecrest School

Sixth Grade LEGO Stop-Motion Animation Project

Middle School News

As a culminating project to the sixth grade English hero unit of the reading of "The Hobbit" and "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," student book groups took on the task of retelling chapters of their respective books. Using LEGOs and other found materials, groups created stop-motion animation videos for their assigned chapter, and when seamed together the whole book is revealed!
Students began the process by brainstorming key events and creating storyboards highlighting the beginning, middle, and end of each chapter. Sets were constructed and props were gathered prior to filming. With guidance from Dr. Baralt, Director of Educational Technology, mini lessons on filming and editing followed. The entire project was created and filmed using iPads in the English classroom with the editing process in iMovie taking place in the library.
Creating short stop-motion animation videos is an innovative way of cementing content understanding of a novel, allowing students to show what they know. This project based learning helps with memory, creativity, critical thinking, communication, organization, visualizing and decision making.

(The Hobbit video)

(Harry Potter video)

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