Shorecrest School

How I Spent my Summer Vacation

Upper School News

The Summer of 2016 will go down in "history" as one of my most memorable. After school ended, I led a tour group with Upper School band leader, Mr. Updike, to Germany, Austria and Italy for 18 days. We managed to leave through the drops of a tropical storm and came back after a 5 hour delay in Rome. Thankfully these were the only two glitches of a wonderful trip! 
After arriving back in the States, I had roughly one week to prepare for a month-long National Endowment for the Humanities seminar at the University of California in Santa Cruz through a grant I received from NEH. While summer weather is absent from that part of the country, the seminar itself was enriching. The seminar, Charles Dickens through his novels "Hard Times" and "A Tale of Two Cities," was extraordinary in its scope and the erudite discussions that I engaged in with 15 other teachers from around the country.

Photos from Europe may be found here.

Photos from the seminar in California are here.

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