Shorecrest School

Middle School Theatre and Debate Playwrights

Middle School News Arts

The sixth graders presented skits they wrote representing the Shorecrest Core Values. Lower School students visited them as an audience and were challenged to write their own skits. Mrs. Oman's first graders took them up on the challenge! The following week sixth graders visited first grade to watch their performance. Mrs. Oman's class wrote and performed a skit called "Chaos at the Zoo," which focused on the core values of respect and integrity. Among the first grade cast: 3 pirates, an astronaut, a zebra, a rabbit, a fire fighter, a police officer, two zookeepers and a caveman! When students of different age groups collaborate, they create opportunities for student-led learning and older students gain understanding of what it means to be a good role model.

Eighth graders were also playwrights as they presented their final movies and presentations in Theatre and Debate Class on the topic of drama.

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