Shorecrest School

Celebrate the Arts: Drawing Emojis


Traditionally during Celebrate the Arts Week, two mornings are dedicated to opening up the campus to artists from the surrounding community to work hands-on with Experiential School, Lower School and Middle School Chargers. This April, Middle School students had guest artists visiting via Zoom - rather than in their classrooms - due to the COVID19 quarantine. Lower School had Celebrate the Arts in May.

A lucky group of over 60 sixth graders were able to connect with local Illustrator and Shorecrest parent, Jon Hoefer, who recently collaborated with Headmaster Mike Murphy on his picture book series. 

Mr. Hoefer had students create their own emojis during his Celebrate the Arts teach-in. He talked to them about different levels of emotions, such as drawing fear vs. horror vs. panic, and how to represent different levels of emotions in simple drawings like emojis. Students also related their drawings to specific colors, and introduced those colors sparingly. 

Drawing concurrently with the students, Hoefer demonstrated simple drawings of furrowed eyebrows, dilated pupils, cheeks spreading with broad smiles and more. Students enjoyed not only showing off their drawings, but practicing their emoted faces into their cameras for all to see! Thank you Mr. Hoefer for sharing your expertise with the Chargers during Celebrate the Arts Week!

See more from Celebrate the Arts 2020 here.

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