Shorecrest School

Eighth Graders can Shadow in Upper School

Middle School News

Are you curious about what it will be like to be a part of the Upper School community at Shorecrest? Then wonder no more! Starting the week of October 3, current eighth grade students are invited to shadow a current ninth grader for half a day to get a glimpse of life in the Upper School. Even if your child has attended Shorecrest for many years, they may not know all of the incredible opportunities that await them in the Upper School!   

On the day of the shadow visit, eighth graders may be out of uniform and follow the Upper School dress code for the day. Eighth graders report to the Enrollment Management Admissions Suite in the Raymund Center to check in by 8:15am and are escorted to the Upper School to meet their ambassador for the day. Students attend any classes, advisory or club meetings, and any other events with their ninth grade ambassador, then have lunch with the Upper School. After lunch, eighth graders return for their afternoon classes in the Middle School.  

Please note that there are only three slots available for shadow visits on a given day. Visits will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis. We ask that you provide your child’s eighth grade Advisor and Ms. Beth Rauman at least two days’ notice of the planned shadow visit. 

To schedule your child’s sneak peek of what's to come, please click here.

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