Shorecrest School

Quick Robotics Team Survey

Middle School News

Shorecrest Middle School Robotics Team 1448, The Force, is working on a project for FIRST LEGO League under this year's theme Super Powered. They need your help with a quick survey, please!

FIRST LEGO League has asked teams to research and solve a problem with the way energy is distributed, stored, and used.

Team 1448's research question is, “How might we redesign electric lines to be more reliable, and repaired more efficiently and affordably?”

"Living in Florida, we know how vital it is to restore power quickly after a storm. If we can change the design of power lines, we believe we can improve the quality of life for millions of people worldwide," the Chargers shared.

They are sharing a survey with all of you to collect information for their innovation project to better understand the need for their proposed product.
"Our solution, SwiftLink, is a prong-less electric line connector that’s affixed to secondary power lines, joining them at their highest stress point," they explained. "If a tree were to fall on a power line that contains SwiftLink, the connector would snap apart and the flow of electricity would be immediately cut off. SwiftLink would send a message to the power company notifying them of the location of the outage, as well as other data needed to make a speedy repair. When powerline technicians arrive, they can reconnect the power line quickly with a simple snap of the SwiftLink connectors. Repairs can happen in as few as 20 minutes. When power is restored, the SwiftLink connector maintains the voltage level, preventing surges. Our solution helps power companies avoid shut-offs and reduces the time and cost of repair."
Please take a couple of minutes to complete the team's quick survey about your experience with power outages this past year. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

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