Shorecrest School

Early Math Exploration in First Grade

Lower School News

The world of first grade math is not just about numbers and equations; it's about making learning an adventure and connecting it to the world around us. In a recent math lesson, students in Ms. Simons' class used popsicle sticks to estimate and measure various items around the classroom.

First graders are naturally curious, and they learn best when they can see, touch, and explore. A hands-on approach to math lessons helps foster a deep understanding of key mathematical concepts. Students learned to make educated guesses about the length of objects, a skill essential for estimation. They then confirm their estimates through measurement, encouraging a deeper appreciation for precision and fostering critical thinking skills. The following week students remeasured the items using snap-together Unifix cubes.

Stay tuned for more updates on the exciting methods used to inspire young learners at Shorecrest on their educational journey.

Flickr album: First Grade measuring with popsicle sticks | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin



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