Shorecrest School

Magic Potions in Chemistry Class

Middle School News

Seventh graders in Mrs. Parrot’s chemistry class have been conducting a series of "magic potion" labs to explore physical and chemical changes.

The Hocus Pocus Lab is part of seventh grade science's study of chemical reactions. In this wizard-themed lab, students explore chemical and physical changes by making “potions” using common ingredients with the names replaced, such as "Werewolf Saliva" (vinegar), "Wart Powder" (yeast), and "dissolved eyeballs" (vegetable oil). Students rotate through a series of five stations where they measure and combine different ingredients and observe what happens. Using what they know about types of evidence for chemical and physical change, they try to explain what is happening and use that evidence to support their claims. 

Stations include: Growing a Ghost, Frankenworms, Tie-dyed Brains, Witch Blood, and Bubbling Cauldrons. After this students will learn how to balance chemical equations and will then dip their toes into stoichiometry to prepare for tenth grade chemistry.

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