Shorecrest School

US Spotlight: Michael Battle

Upper School News

Michael Battle relocated to St. Petersburg with his wife Kristin and their energetic dog Carter in 2021 to teach Shorecrest Upper School mathematics. He has also coached Middle School Football at Shorecrest. Of his 20 years in education, his last six have been in Florida. Prior to moving to Florida, he spent 13 years in Chicago working as a teacher, Dean of Students, and Assistant Principal.

Michael is a proud graduate of the University of Michigan and spends time in Ann Arbor whenever he can. He has also completed graduate programs at the University of Florida and DePaul University.

We asked Mike some get-to-know you questions:

What was your favorite childhood vacation?
Summer trips to northern Michigan

What did you want to be when you were a child?
Quarterback for the Detroit Lions

What is your favorite book (or genre) to read?
Anything by John Grisham

What makes you laugh the most?
My dog Carter and hanging out with my friends from high school and college

What motivates you to work hard?
I've always believed in the saying "Work hard, play hard!"

What is your favorite thing about your career?
Seeing students grow over the course of the year, and then when they come back to visit.

What is your proudest accomplishment?
Graduating from college.  My dad never went and my mom didn't finish.

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
Play golf at St. Andrews with three of my friends.

What is your favorite game or sport to watch or play?
At my age, I enjoy watching football and playing golf

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