Shorecrest School

Fourth Grade Music Projects Displayed


In most recent years at Shorecrest, Lower School students work as a grade on a performance that entertains and educates their peers. Because large-group performances are not taking place this year due to health restrictions, fourth graders completed a new research project in Music class. 

Each fourth grader chose a musician from an extensive list of diverse musicians. They conducted research in music class on their selected musician, and answered questions about the musician’s life such as: What nationality are they? Do they play any instruments? What is a famous quote or lyric from the musician? How did your musician make an impact on the music world?

Students then selected a project type to showcase their learning: a newspaper article, a comic strip, a timeline or a poster about the musician. 

Each student worked on one or more drafts of their project before starting on their final draft. The projects were displayed in the Lower School Media and Technology Center for all LS classes to view. 

“Viewers have been very impressed!” LS Music Teacher Ms. Marilyn shared. ”I heard many comments about how it is like Shorecrest's very own art museum! The fourth graders should be proud of their hard work.” 

The musician research project allowed fourth graders to be creative, inquisitive, and to do independent research.

View photos to enjoy their projects here.

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