Shorecrest School

Project Puts Language, Engineering Skills Into Practice

Middle School News

For the last month, seventh grade French students have worked in the Makerspace to develop 3D, multimedia maps of France. This Middle School project-based learning (PBL) approach integrates art, engineering, and critical-thinking skills to support French language development skills, as well as the study of history and geography.

Working in teams of two, students were assigned a specific aspect of French geography or culture: cities, monuments, transportation, food, or physical map. Using the various tools and technology in the Shorecrest library to research their respective topics, the teams then put to use their creative and artistic skills to create their maps. In the Makerspace students used low-tech tools including modeling clay and paper, to high-tech techniques like LED lights, 3D printing, and apps such as Tinkercad and Cookiecaster. Once completed, the maps will be displayed is the Shorecrest library.

View more project photos here.

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