Shorecrest School

Eighth Graders Restore Channel with Native Mangroves

Middle School News

Shorecrest eighth graders had a unique opportunity as part of their Coastal Awareness Program. Duke Energy cut down most of the remaining invasive Australian Pines on the 54th Ave channel which sits at the north end of Haskell Field (our Native Classroom), and the eighth graders were able to begin to restore the area with native mangroves. Thanks to Jim Iger of the Florida Aquarium and Kathy Guindon of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the students were able plant mangroves where towering Australian Pines stood several months ago.

Ms. Guidon dropped off 14 buckets and at least 6 bags of mangroves, ranging from 5 inches in height to about 3.5 feet. Between November 13 to the 18, the eighth graders worked hard and literally got their hands (and clothes, faces, arms...) dirty planting mangroves. Over a distance of about 100 ft in two different locations, students counted a total of 848 plants. The eighth graders should be proud of the hard work they completed to give an area in need of attention a jump start.  

More photos from the day here.

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