Shorecrest School


Middle School News

The eighth graders are wrapping up an extensive ROV project. Students researched remote operated technology (ROT) and/or remote operated vehicles (ROVs), and brainstormed ways people can use remote technology to solve issues or minimize challenges they face.

Teams of students developed their own innovative remote operated vehicle concept that could help solve or improve an issue or challenge. Students sketched their innovative designs and created a spec sheet with all the details regarding how their remote tool would function. Upon completion of their initial sketch, students built prototypes using recycled materials. These projects are currently on display in Haskell Library.

The eighth graders then moved on to building underwater ROVs. The class broke into teams and built the ROVs with PVC frames, made custom motors, and wired controllers. Once the ROVs were built and the controllers were tested, each team had a series of underwater challenges for their vehicle to complete. The challenges mimicked real underwater cleanup that ROVs are tasked with. The teams had 3-minute intervals to complete the challenges, and all teammates needed to pilot the ROV for some of the time allotted. 

After spring break, students will present their innovative ROVs for friends and family members along with a product pitch, infographic, and underwater ROV demonstrations.

Find photos and video clip here.
Find more photos on Mrs. Jeakle's Twitter account.

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