Shorecrest School

Student Designs Global Explorers Program Logo

Middle School News

The Global Explorers program at Shorecrest promotes a global mindset in our students through cultural experiences, exchange programs with schools in El Salvador, Mexico, Argentina, and Spain, and through travel opportunities. Global Explorers works to help students appreciate and better understand world cultures and their place in the global community. Fourth graders and Middle School students have been hosting students from El Salvador, Mexico, Spain and Argentina and will also be eligible to travel on upcoming trips to Spain and Argentina in the summer of 2023.

Co-chairs Emili Jaime-Allwood (Lower School Spanish) and Sandy Janack (Middle School Social Studies) promoted interest in the Global Explorers program by holding a logo design contest open to Middle School students. The Chargers were challenged to capture the essence of the program in a logo that will be used on flyers, posters, and other travel related items like t-shirts. Logos were evaluated based on the student capturing the spirit of internationalism, the spirit of adventure, and the spirit of leadership. 

Fifth grader Izzy N. ‘29 won the contest by incorporating all three ideas. Sra. Jaime-Allwood and Ms. Janack worked with Izzy and Shorecrest’s marketing team to digitize Izzy’s design so it can be used on future promotional materials. 

Keep an eye out for information about upcoming exchange and travel opportunities in the coming school year. Fourth and fifth graders will host students from our sister school in Mexico. Sixth graders will be able to participate for the first time at the CISV International program (Children’s International Summer Village), seventh and eighth graders will have the opportunity of a complete student exchange with our sister school in Spain, eleventh graders can take a summer trip to Seville, Spain, and finally we are planning a summer trip for Lower and Middle School families.

The Global Explorers program supports the School’s Mission and Core Values by bolstering students’ understanding that education happens both inside and outside of the classroom. Cultural exchanges and experiences help foster lifelong learning in our students. 

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