Shorecrest School

Coral Reefs take the Cake

Upper School News

Students in Shorecrest Upper School Honors Oceanography class delved into the fascinating world of coral reef ecosystems and then decorated their own Coral Reef Cakes.

Beginning with a lesson on the essential components of a coral reef ecosystem, students then embarked on crafting (mostly) scientifically accurate models. Using yellow cake to symbolize Key Largo Limestone basement rock, pink icing to represent coralline algae, and a variety of toppings to depict corals, sponges, sea fans, fish, and more, the delicious project combined creativity with scientific understanding.

Through this hands-on activity, students not only explored the intricate details of coral reefs but also gained a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance and diversity within these ecosystems. By visually representing different elements of the reef, from foundational structures to vibrant marine life, the Coral Reef Cake project provided a memorable and engaging way for students to connect theory with practical application, reinforcing key concepts while sparking curiosity and enthusiasm for oceanography.



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