Shorecrest School

Planning the Transform Campaign

Upper School News

Sometimes it is important to step back from the canvas and let our eyes adjust to see the whole picture before dipping the brush in the next vibrant color...
This week many families taking their Hard Hat Tours of the new building at the crest of our campus have asked about the planning that has guided Transform at every stage. Great question!
Even now, as we share with the community weekly construction and campaign updates, it is important to remember that the initiatives of the Transform campaign are directly aligned with Shorecrest’s 2020 Strategic Plan: Vision for the Future. And with the Strategic Plan as our beacon, we are committed to improving our campus and securing our future; building culture and community; demonstrating community-wide commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion; building upon innovation in technology and learning; and growing student success and well-being.
With continued and increased community giving and timely construction progress, our excitement for the transformation of our campus and student experiences is growing. Over the past several weeks, the first floor has really taken shape. Very soon glass windows and doors and drywall will frame up the spaces that will indeed build culture and community at Shorecrest.

This important campus addition will serve as a meeting place for all students of all ages, allowing us to strengthen our community. Can you imagine our dining hall bustling with students? Multi-generational relationships forming at the heart of our campus everyday? And for many on the Hard Hat Tours every day at noon and 4pm, they are amazed at how Transform simultaneously provides 60,000 sq. ft of new program space and creates an acre and a half of newfound greenspace; enhancing outdoor dinning, community events, and our play-scapes. If ever there was a place more primed for community than this commons area, it seems that our next Transform brush should dip into our palette of green!
As we continue to reach, we invite you to visit the new space for yourself and learn more about the Shorecrest community’s efforts to provide the best educational experiences for our students. We welcome the opportunity to share with you, so you can share your experience with others.

Find out more about Transform at

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