Shorecrest School


Middle School News

Shorecrest Middle School held its annual Middle School Awards Assembly in the Janet Root Theatre on May 19, 2022. Awards were presented for academic achievement, Citizen of the Year, Spark Awards in each grade level, as well as the Harold Bruggeman Award and Garrett Staples Award, among others. 

The event began with Mrs. Cindy Williams, MS Art Teacher, who provided art recognition for fifth-eighth grades including sketchbook drawings, scenes students drew from the Native Classroom, mixed media in the style of Jean Michel-Basquiat, Surrealist Art with the theme "The Metamorphic Moment," and more.

Next, Mrs. Stephanie McCarthy (Music) and Ms. Lillian Nelson (Theatre) presented Performing Arts Awards and honored those inducted to the International Thespian Society.

World Language Awards were presented for The National French Contest, or “Le Grand Concours,” an annual competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French. This year over 42,000 students participated in the contest. It is a written test where students compete against other students with similar educational backgrounds for prizes and national rankings. 

This year 4 students received medals:
A Platinum medal for the top score in the nation for Gaston G. ‘26
2 Gold medals for the 95th percentile and above: Hope K. ’27 and Idexa S. ’26
And a Bronze medal: Sienna N. ’26.
Those who competed at the county level in the National History Day Fair were recognized by Mr. Hodgson. Two students who advanced to the State Fair, Lili F. '27 and Camilla S. '27, received copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Ms. Grant handed out Academic Honors Awards for students with all As in 1, 2 or 3 trimesters. 

Ms. Nancy Spencer announced the Citizen of the Year Awards:
5th Grade: Paige C., Hayden Z.
6th Grade: Sonny D.
7th grade: Daniel C.
8th grade: Bijoy A. and Leilani M.

Coach Bearden presented the Harold Bruggeman Award to Jude C. '28.

Ms. Grant gave the Garrett Staples Award to Ivan S. '26 and Milan S. '28.

And finally, those who add extra SPARK to the grade received Spark Awards:
5th grade: Alexis T.
6th grade: Benjamin M.
7th grade: Hope K.
8th grade: Hayden H. and Cole O.

Photos from the day may be found here.
A video of the awards ceremony may be viewed here.

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