Golf Weekly Update
Shorecrest Chargers Middle School Golf MS Golf vs. St. Petersburg Christian, St Raphaels, Open Team: 131 points, 2nd place.
The Middle School Golf Chargers placed second in a tournament at Twin Brooks. It was a solid showing where a couple team members recorded their lowest score of the season. The top four scores were shot by Nolan L. 31, Lucas M. 32, Bryce O. 33 and Hunter N. 35.
Shorecrest Chargers Varsity Girls Golf at the Mustang Invitational: Sofia Lee '27 placed 10th out of 50. Isabel L. '29 placed 18th.
"It was an Invitational and our girls did really well!" shared Coach Lynnette Asad. "A parent from an opposing team commented on the fact that Isabel is only an 8th grader and was doing so well. And, more importantly, how kind she is. I am proud of our team."
The boys varsity golf team had a match against Berkeley Prep on September 12 that was unfinished due to weather. The girls was ahead against Berkeley Prep and Clearwater Central Catholic when their game ended abruptly due to weather.